After 6 years of A grade titles, Kent Target’s unbeaten run came to an end as they were convincingly beaten by Highlanders in the A grade final at the UK Polocrosse National Championships, which took place at Onley Grounds from the 26th to the 28th of August. Kent did retain the National Championships overall trophy Read more…
Filed under 2016, Nationals, Tournaments, UKPA
The UKPA held its annual Club Council meeting on the 22nd of March to hear the views of its clubs and to update them on developments and plans for the forthcoming season. At the start of the meeting the UKPA held a minute’s silence in memory of their former chairman Tony Shearing, who passed away Read more…
Filed under 2015, Sports Development, UKPA, World Cup
Hello and welcome to our new look site for 2015! Hopefully you all like it as much as we do and hopefully it should improve your user experience on the site (editor’s note: a big thank you must go to Anna Kimber Tarbuck for all her hard work designing and then building the new site! Read more…
Filed under 2015, Polocrosse Extreme, UKPA, World Cup
The UKPA’s Annual General Meeting, held just before the UKPA’s annual awards ball, at Staverton Park Hotel in Northamptonshire saw the members approve a new Executive structure and the removal of the UKPA regions from the UKPA constitution. It also saw a new proposal as to how to run the Junior grades presented and if Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA AGM, UKPA Ball
The UK Polocrosse Association Executive has proposed a new Executive structure and the removal of the official UKPA regions in a revised constitution to be officially voted on at the 2013 AGM, which will take place on the 9th of November at Staverton Park Hotel, just before the UKPA’s Annual ball. The change in Executive Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA, UKPA AGM
The UK Polocrosse Association managed to win the vote and defeat the motion that threatened to overturn their decision to make the A grade competition at the UK National championships play as ‘Mixed’ teams competition (editor’s note: Mixed meaning that each team is to have one section of men and one section of ladies). However, Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA
The UK Polocrosse Association and one of its member clubs, Rugby Polocrosse Club, have traded lobbying emails in advance of this weekend’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which will decide if the A grade competition at this year’s UK National Club Championships will be ‘mixed’ teams (editor’s note: for those who aren’t already aware a slightly Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA
The UKPA did indeed see a fairly lively club council meeting as the clubs turned out in force to express their views around the agenda points that the UKPA had put forward. The meeting was marathon effort, lasting four hours and it was clear that by the end people were tiring. However, overall the meeting Read more…
Filed under 2013, Sports Development, UKPA
The UK Polocrosse Association has published the agenda for the annual Club Council Meeting and by the look of it the meeting could prove to be lively. The agenda includes on it a proposal to change the name of the Association, a paper around the idea of single sex A grade sections and the detail Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA
The UKPA yesterday published minutes of the Executive meeting that took place on the 25th of November, complete with an appendix showing the newly rewritten eligibility rules for playing for the UK, to clarify the position regarding Rachael Gayler’s recent selection to the UK’s 2013 Quadrangular squad. However, this new development has not satisfied some Read more…
Filed under 2013, Open Squad, UKPA