The USA Polocrosse Association have appointed Trish Jones as their open squad coach in the run up to the 2015 Polocrosse World Cup. Trish Jones hails from Western Australia, where she has played in the Ladies’ open state representative side for the last 13 Nationals, which spans an impressive 26 years. This is the same Read more…
Filed under 2013
Wessel Strauss has resigned as president of the Polocrosse Association of South Africa (PASA) in order to take up the role of Secretary General of the Equestrian Association of South Africa. He is replaced by Andre Truter as president but according to the statement released by PASA, Wessel is continuing to be involved with the Read more…
Filed under 2013, IPC
The associate member countries of the International Polocrosse Council (IPC), being France, Holland, Norway, Germany and Canada, have been offered a €24,000 package of horse hire and training for an International Challenge in 2015. The International Challenge would be played alongside the 2015 World Cup, which the full members of the IPC will compete in, Read more…
Filed under 2013, European, IPC, World Cup
The UKPA’s Annual General Meeting, held just before the UKPA’s annual awards ball, at Staverton Park Hotel in Northamptonshire saw the members approve a new Executive structure and the removal of the UKPA regions from the UKPA constitution. It also saw a new proposal as to how to run the Junior grades presented and if Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA AGM, UKPA Ball
Kent Target completed a number of firsts as they won both the Janet Jones Memorial Trophy and the Polocrosse Extreme Cup for the UKPA and Polocrosse Extreme Leagues in 2013. They were presented with the trophies at the UKPA Ball on the 9th of November. They are the first club to ever win both of Read more…
Filed under 2013, League Results
Australia, the world’s largest polocrosse playing nation, is continuing to show signs of an effort to promote and grow the sport as the promotional campaigns for two events get underway. Firstly, on the 9th and 10th of November there is the Warren Blackwood Waste Polocrosse Classic in Western Australia, which has top prize money of Read more…
Filed under 2013, International
The UK Polocrosse Association Executive has proposed a new Executive structure and the removal of the official UKPA regions in a revised constitution to be officially voted on at the 2013 AGM, which will take place on the 9th of November at Staverton Park Hotel, just before the UKPA’s Annual ball. The change in Executive Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA, UKPA AGM
Rugby ended the season on a good note as they performed a one two in the A grade, won the E grade and got second in both the D grade and the Primary Juniors at their own end of season tournament on the 21st and 22nd of September at Onley Grounds. With Nationals having run Read more…
Filed under 2013, Tournaments
The Busters’ sponsored team claimed the Zambian High Goaler competition for 2013, at the Leopard’s Hills Polocrosse Club on the 7th and 8th of September. The competition consisted of four sponsored teams, with each one containing at least one imported player, one lady player, one junior player and one wildcard player. The Busters team actually Read more…
Filed under 2013, International
France dominated the 2013 European Challenge, hosted by the Dutch Polocrosse Association in Otterlo, Holland on the 31st of August and 1st of September, to win their fourth European title in the last seven years. They won their matches against Germany, Holland and Norway convincingly to help press their case for acceptance as a full Read more…
Filed under 2013, European