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Posts Tagged 'World Cup 2007'

World Cup 2007 Report

World Cup 2007

Firstly, apologies for the delay! I stayed over in Australia visiting some friends and so only returned to the UK on Monday, however here is the World Cup Report! Friday 20th of April And so it begins! The first thing I do is study the world map in order to discover exactly where Singapore is Read more…

Filed under 2007, International, Open Squad, World Cup

Bad Break for the UK

As one commentator put it, “It’s the worst thing to happen to UK polocrosse since Dan Duhig injured his thumb” and they could well be right. News has reached us that Sophie Lodder has broken her wrist in the run up to the World Cup. The injury happened while the team were based in New Read more…

Filed under 2006, Open Squad, World Cup

World Cup Fever Approaches…

The England cricket team managed to leave Australia with some pride and a trophy after snatching victory from the jaws of total humiliation in the one day test series, going on a four match unbeaten run to clinch the title. They did admitedly then nearly get mugged at knife point in their hotel (Australians really Read more…

Filed under 2006, World Cup

World Cup 2007 Squad Announced!


Watch out Australia! We’ve got the Ashes and the Rugby World Cup and now we want the Polocrosse one too! So this is who we are sending to win it for us: The UK Men’s Squad: Jason Burbidge (Captain) Martin Brookes Hamish Michael Guy Robertson Reserves: James Robertson Tom Simkin Only one of these men Read more…

Filed under 2006, Open Squad, World Cup