The UKPA’s Annual General Meeting, held just before the UKPA’s annual awards ball, at Staverton Park Hotel in Northamptonshire saw the members approve a new Executive structure and the removal of the UKPA regions from the UKPA constitution. It also saw a new proposal as to how to run the Junior grades presented and if Read more…
Posts Tagged 'UKPA Ball'
UKPA Awards Ball Hailed Big Success as AGM Draws Ever Closer
The UK Polocrosse Association hosted its annual ball at Staverton Park Hotel on the 10th of November and much merriment ensued between the 150 or so members who attended. The UKPA chose to use the same venue as they did in 2011 for the ball and it seem to pay off as the number of Read more…
UKPA Present Annual Awards at the Ball
The UKPA Annual Awards Ball rolled into town on Saturday the 6th of November; the town in question was Milton Keynes, home of thousands of roundabouts and for one night only a horde of polocrosse players and supporters looking to end the 2010 season in style. And end it in style they did, well for Read more…
UKPA Executive Nominees and Season Award Winners Announced
This week saw a double announcement by the UKPA. Firstly, they announced the nominees for the Executive Committee positions, which will be elected at the AGM next week, and then at the UKPA Ball they announced the winners of the 2009 season playing awards. The UKPA Executive elections seem to be a fairly sure thing Read more…
UKPA Ball 2007
The UKPA Ball was this year held at the Draycote Hotel just outside Rugby. It was a sellout and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. There were undoubtably some sore heads the next morning and frankly we would love to know where everyone slept because a lot of people (mainly young male polocrosse players) Read more…