The UKPA AGM and Ball took place in mid November and saw the usual mixture of debate, elections and late night partying. There were a variety of topics discussed at the AGM and there were two formally proposed resolutions, regarding a possible introduction of associate membership for club officials and a possible formalisation of the Read more…
Filed under 2014, UKPA, UKPA AGM, UKPA Ball
The UKPA’s Annual General Meeting, held just before the UKPA’s annual awards ball, at Staverton Park Hotel in Northamptonshire saw the members approve a new Executive structure and the removal of the UKPA regions from the UKPA constitution. It also saw a new proposal as to how to run the Junior grades presented and if Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA AGM, UKPA Ball
The UK Polocrosse Association Executive has proposed a new Executive structure and the removal of the official UKPA regions in a revised constitution to be officially voted on at the 2013 AGM, which will take place on the 9th of November at Staverton Park Hotel, just before the UKPA’s Annual ball. The change in Executive Read more…
Filed under 2013, UKPA, UKPA AGM
On the 29th of November the UKPA published their annual report and elections were held for the various executive positions, under the new Executive structure approved at the EGM a month ago. The top job of UKPA Chairman went to Eric Jenkinson, formerly a trustee and vice chairman. He is joined by Quintin Cornforth as Read more…
Filed under 2009, UKPA AGM
The UKPA AGM took place on the 22nd of November and has meant a number of major changes for the UKPA Executive – a new executive structure, a new Vice Chairman, a new Chief Umpire, two new Trustees, a new Director of Coaching and a new Secretary. Nearly 100% of the members present (about 10% Read more…
Filed under 2008, UKPA AGM
The UKPA AGM saw the re-election of Dave Brookes to Chairman and Sue Brookes to Secretary, both having resigned earlier in the year. Dave captured 59% of the vote as he defeated Jane Wright Roberts, who got 17% (the remainder of the room abstained). Sue Brookes was unopposed in the post of secretary and received Read more…
Filed under 2007, UKPA AGM
Chairman: Dave Brookes Dave had been Chairman for the previous eight years until he resigned shortly before the UK National championships. He resigned, citing the problems that might arise if the UKPA did not rethink its way of penning at tournaments (read the full story here). Dave received a standing ovation at the Nationals and Read more…
Filed under 2007, UKPA AGM
Jane Wright-Roberts, presently the UKPA’s Director of cCoaching, and Dave Brookes, ex-chairman of the UKPA, have announced their manifestos to run for the vacant Chairman position. Jane’s manifesto Dave’s manifesto Jane’s decision to run has come as a shock as she still has a year to run in her coaching role. However Dave Brookes, who Read more…
Filed under 2007, UKPA AGM
The AGM was held at the Memorial Hall in Henley in Arden. The meeting progressed smoothly until the Chief Umpire’s report was read out. This sparked debate about the new penalty point system being introduced to stop people persistently commiting fouls throughout the season. The meeting agreed that the penalty point system was an excellent inea but Read more…
Filed under 2006, UKPA AGM