The European Challenge was held in Lumbres, France on the 10th and 11th of August and saw a victory for Ireland as they overcame teams from seven other European countries. The European challenge includes the two European World Cup playing nations of Ireland and the UK but neither country send a full strength team, normally Read more…
Filed under 2019, England, European, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Scotland, Tournament Results, Tournaments, UKPA
A UK veterans polocrosse team beat the national sides of the continental, European Nations but Holland were winners of the actual European Challenge (which the UK veterans team weren’t eligible for) for the first time, at a recent tournament in Germany. The European Challenge is played between the European countries who do not take part Read more…
Filed under 2016, European, Finland, France, Germany, International, Netherlands, Norway, UKPA
By Fleur Bartels Traditionally the Dutch polocrosse season starts each year in Otterlo and 2016 was no different. On April the 23rd and 24th (the same weekend as the Australian Polocrosse National Championships Finals were taking place in Albury) over 50 horses and 75 people travelled to “Groupsaccomodation Peppelenburg”, which is pretty much in the Read more…
Filed under 2016, European, Netherlands, Tournaments
France have claimed their fifth European Challenge in eight years as they overcame Germany in the Final. France hosted the event for the second time, this time in a new venue of small rural riding centre called Les Ecuries Alaskallia in Pas de Calais from July 17th to 20th. Alongside the event representatives from all Read more…
Filed under 2014, European
France have gained the right to full membership of the International Polocrosse Council (IPC) but their fellow European associate members have suggested that they may consider not remaining as associate members due to the increase in affiliation fees. France were apparently told of the decision in late 2013 after it was discussed at the IPC Read more…
Filed under 2014, European, IPC
The associate member countries of the International Polocrosse Council (IPC), being France, Holland, Norway, Germany and Canada, have been offered a €24,000 package of horse hire and training for an International Challenge in 2015. The International Challenge would be played alongside the 2015 World Cup, which the full members of the IPC will compete in, Read more…
Filed under 2013, European, IPC, World Cup
France dominated the 2013 European Challenge, hosted by the Dutch Polocrosse Association in Otterlo, Holland on the 31st of August and 1st of September, to win their fourth European title in the last seven years. They won their matches against Germany, Holland and Norway convincingly to help press their case for acceptance as a full Read more…
Filed under 2013, European
Polocrosse recently conquered a new country! It has started to be played in Finland, specifically in the capital Helsinki. This might also mean that polocrosse has a new most northerly point, as Helsinki is fractionally further north that Oslo in Norway. So what has inspired polocrosse in Finland and how are the Finns taking to Read more…
Filed under 2013, European, Sports Development
Polocrosse seems to be continuing to grow around the world, with the start of polocrosse in Finland (where we hope to have a full report from soon!) and also some excellent newspaper coverage for the sport in Scotland (read it here, part 1 and part 2). Polocrosse in Finland has been started by Cecilia Forsman, Read more…
Filed under 2013, European, Sports Development
Report by Camilla Blom The 6th Dutch Open was held on 1 and 2 September 2012. There were players from Holland, France and Norway present. Germany unfortunately had to pull out at the last minute – but it was yet again another fantastic weekend for the up and coming European nations! From the moment players, Read more…
Filed under 2012, European