Kent Target tournament was held at their traditional home of Risebridge Farm near Gourdhurst in Kent. For many years was seen as a starting point of the season and players used to come from all round the country to play. However, in 2021 there was more limited space available for pitches and so this meant entries were also more limited. Given the size of Kent’s own club membership this does mean that pitches and podium were mainly dominated by blue and pink shirts but there was also representation for a number of different clubs, particularly Kent’s closest neighbours the Bethersden Bulls and then also Highlanders and Warwick who denied Kent both the Cup and the Plate in the A grade

GradeWinnersRunners UpBest PlayerBest Horse
High Goal CupHighlanders 1Kent Target RoosJoel SicsFudge, Amy Hocculi
High Goal PlateWarwick 3Kent Target Wallabies
Medium Goal CupBethersden Bulls 1Kent Target KoalasTony GuimaresScootch, Ed Flowers
Medium Goal PlateKent Target Drop BearsBethersden Bulls 2
Low GoalKent Target WombatsKent Target PlatypusesHannah DavittDiesel, Bella Kish
Most Improved PlayerGracie Shearing
Primary Junior Best SportsmanshipOlivia Kirkham
Primary Junior Best PonyRev, Eloise Kirkham