UKPA Announce New Resources Available for Promoting Polocrosse
The UKPA have invested in new sticks and new DVDs in order to help coach and promote polocrosse. 24 new sticks and 16 balls have been purchased from Bennett Polocrosse Equipment, who very kindly gave the UKPA a reduced price in order to help polocrosse development within the UK.
The sticks will be available for regions, clubs or indviduals within the UKPA who need equipment to coach beginners and introduce new people to the sport and the DVD will available free to people who are using them for sports development purposes and will also be sold for £3 a time to anyone else who wants one. there is also going to be a small charge on the hire of equipment.
UKPA Sports Development Officer Iain Heaton said “For ages one of the major stumbling blocks to introducing people to the sport has been equipment, hopefully this will go some way to solving this problem. It is unfortunate that we have to place a charge on the hire of the equipment but it has been a large investment and there will be costs in moving the sticks around the country. Also, there will be, no doubt, in the future the need to replace parts of this equipment store. The DVDs are a brilliant resource to promote the sport and hopefully should also sell well.”
For full details of the equipment contact Iain Heaton on or
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