The Truth Behind the Anger Management Saga…
Through an exclusive interview we have learnt the truth behind Guy Robertson and Rick Murray’s anger management orders. The Welsh Dragons’ secretary, Julie Parr, explained that the original ruling had decreed that they must attend anger management courses before the UKPA Nationals in order to allow them to play.
However, the Welsh Dragons were unable to arrange the anger management session for before the Nationals. This was because this is the first time such a course had been required and so it took time to research and arrange. Julie said they wanted to ensure that a suitable course was found and that its content would be applicable to polocrosse. She added, “It would have been easy to have subscribed Guy on any course but this would have been pointless.”
Julie was full of praise for Guy, who she said would have been within his rights to refuse to attend the anger management course as it was not arranged within the predetermined timetable. Instead he completely accepted the delays and is more than willing to attend.
Julie added that as Rick left the country before the course could be arranged he is still bound under the original order. He can not play again in the UK until he has also attended anger management. Julie said that as soon as Rick notifies the Welsh Dragons and informs them of when he can attend anger management they will arrange it for him.

An artist impression of Guy Robertson’s anger
management session.
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